Where do you find your painters?
Paintzen sources their painters from all over the country. The painters that work on your job will be local to your area. We champion local painters because they know the specifics of the industry in your area and allow quick turnarounds.
What qualifications do your painters have?
When Paintzen onboards paint contractors, we make sure they have at least five years of residential painting experience, are background-checked, have necessary licenses and insurance, and have quality customer reviews.
How do you review your painters?
We perform background checks on paint contractors using a third-party service and our internal compliance team reviews all of their paperwork. We have a quality assurance team to oversee work and enforce our satisfaction guarantee.
Why should I trust your painters?
After a paint contractor is on-boarded they are educated on the execution of a Paintzen project, including pay rates, paint delivery, project start time, suggested dress codes, etc. Our centralized handling of estimating and paint ordering and purchasing yields consistency and trust. And our Project Coordination and Operation teams review our painters to ensure they meet standards that align with PCA (Painting Contractors Association).
Are you just a middleman for the painters?
We are much more than a middleman for the painters. We offer them steady and consistent work, full customer and logistics support, streamlined payment methods, and the peace of mind that they just have to focus on painting and nothing else.
Why shouldn’t I go to the painter directly?
With the support of a nationally recognized brand, your project will go more smoothly, there will be checks in place that you and the painter are being treated fairly, and we make sure you are getting the best painter for your project.
How do painters stay on your platform?
We periodically check our crew’s documentation given them several notifications prior to the expiration date. If these documents expire, they can no longer do any jobs for us.