9 Guest Room Paint Ideas for a Welcoming Stay

Guest bedrooms get lost in the shuffle of daily life. They can wind up being the junk room, a workout space, an office, or the dusty room that gets aired out only once a year. Instead of waiting till the phone rings saying, "Here we come," start now ...

How to Remove Paint from Clothes

Paint is a wonderful addition to walls, doors, porches, shutters, and baseboards. But one place that paint doesn’t belong is on your clothes. Removing excess paint from clothes can be a pain and even ruin jeans, shirts, shoes, and other delicate fa...

Why House Dens Are Popular Again & Why You Need One

We love large family spaces, open sight-lines, and the feeling of airiness that makes open-concept architectural design so appealing. But what do you do when you want a place of your own, where you can go and shut the door? Try your house's den. Wha...

A Sporty Blue Bedroom in the Upper Eastside

Amy Sullivan of the Upper Eastside, recently re-designed her seven-year-old son's bedroom. "The re-design started as an organization project." Sullivan had help from Elise Gurock a professional organizer at Chaos Concierge. Sullivan's son has many...

The Most Popular Interior Paint Colors for 2019

Trending Paint Colors in 2019 This year, leading paint companies and color empires decided on popular interior paint colors for 2019. PPG Paints, Paintzen's primary paint supplier, named Night Watch - a deep and rich green - as its 2019 Color of th...

The 20 Paint Color Trends in Houston & Dallas

They say everything is bigger in Texas. This certainly doesn't exclude homes and the Texas decor that requires bold choices that work with the environment. Interior design trends in Texas have gained popularity in recent years, likely due to the p...

The Most Popular White PPG Paint Colors and How to Use Them

One thing people always ask us: How do you choose the right white paint color? Picking white paint colors can be tough. Do you go for a bright hue or for something more mellow? Start with 10 of Paintzen's most popular shades of white and how our hou...

This Color Is Going to Be Huge in 2019

If you've been watching color trends over the last couple of years, you've probably noticed a resurgence of jewel tones, particularly deep greens. So when PPG Paints the 2019 Color of the Year, Night Watch, they were right on point with their choice....

20 Favorite Colors of the Pacific Northwest Color Palette

Anyone who has undergone a painting project knows how difficult, tedious, frustrating, and argument-ridden choosing a paint color can be. With so many options from classic white or neutral greige to bolder shades like the sophisticated Night Watch, i...

These Freshly Painted Pools are Perfect for Summer in NYC

It is officially summertime! That means school's out and children all across the country are cannonball-ing into pools to cool down and splash around. But kids living in big cities like New York City often lack the luxury of having their own pool to ...